
Why IoT matters

When a device is connected to the internet, it can send information, it can receive information or both. This ability makes things smart and smart is good.

To be smart, a thing does not need to have a super storage or a super computer inside it. It just needs to connect to a super storage or a super computer.

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We provide practical oriented training in programming microcontrollers and microprocessor using prototyping boards such as:arduino - devkit - wemos - raspberry pi

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Implementing IoT in an organization is not an easy job and it involves many challenges as you go along from idea to product. An IoT platform will enable you to connect assets, machinery and vehicles, embed sensors and tags, and establish an internet-enabled connection to transmit data and remotely monitor and control the ecosystem.

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We provide IoT Services- It'll blow your mind.

Smart house - Smart supply chain - Smart farming - Smart city - Smart generator monitoring - Smart trash bin and garbage monitoring system - Water tank level monitoring - Smart cell site moniroring - Predictive maintenance - Hydrocarbon tank tracking system

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For long term view in Africa, our aim is to:

Spread technological knowledge in Africa - Break the gap between theoritical knowledge and practicality in our educational system - Enabling an intelligent Africa - Develop Africa through technology etc

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