Responsive Vertical Timeline

Coming Up Embedded Software Development training Arduino session

Session 1 ESD

Introduction to Arduino
What is a microcontroller?
What is a sensor?
Digital vs analog sensor?
Programming with Arduino
- Overview of the Arduino IDE
- Data structures
- Variables
- Arduino build-in functions
- Control structures
- User defined functions

Time: 2-5PM.

27 Jul

Session 2 ESD

Pratical to cover up the first session
Blinking a LED
Measuring distance using ultrasonic sensor
Measuring room temperature using temperature sensor
Displaying sensor data to a liquid crystal display
Programming a gas sensor
Controlling a motor with a relay
Programming GSM 800L to send a text message
Programming an RFID card

Time: 2-5PM.

3 Aug

Session 3 ESD

Integrating hardware with a software

Project 1
Assignment 1
Build an obstable avoidance robot
Assignment 2
Build a greenhouse and home automation systems.
Build a LPG detector alert system

Time: 2-5PM.

10 Aug

Session 3 ESD

Introduction to IoT development board ESP8266-12
Programming ESP8266-12 to connect to a wireless network
controlling a LED on the web brownser

Time: 2-5PM.

17 Aug.

Session 4 ESD

Assignment 3
Remotely control a stepper motor with your laptop using ESP8266-12
Monitoring sensor data to cloud platform ThingSpeak

Time: 2-5PM.

24 Aug.

Session 5 ESD

Introduciton to machine to machine communication
What is MQTT protocol
Publishing and subscribing to a MQTT broker. Case study MQTTcloud platform

Time: 2-5PM.

31 Aug.
End of Arduino.